Want to join a team and become an Ice Cat? Begin by registering here for the 2024-2025 season.
Download the SportsEngine app to view your team's schedule and team roster.
Try Hockey for Free!
Did you miss our Try Hockey for Free events this summer? If so, check back later this fall as we plan to have another event at our NEW indoor rink. Please reach out to Lynnette Coolidge with any questions.
More information and registration can be found on our Try Hockey for Free page!!
Chase the Ace
Our popular Chase the Ace game will start again in 2025! Follow our Facebook page to be notified when it begins.
Did you hear our EXCITING news?? Construction is nearing completion on our new indoor rink!
While construction of our new indoor rink has started, our fundraising work continues. You can help! Join over 150 business and individuals who've said "Yes" to supporting our kids dreams.
There are several ways to support us:
Make a one-time donation using this online form.
Visit our New Indoor Rink page to complete a pledge sheet or help fund the construction of locker rooms by buying a "square" on the Rink Squares tab .
You can also visit our New Indoor Rink page to learn more about our project and follow our fundraising progress.