Buy a rink square!

$150 each

Due to other in-kind donations, funds will be now used towards the build-out of locker rooms.  Your name will be included in a plaque which will be on display at the rink.

Buy one or more squares, or get a couple friends together and share one or more squares.  You can buy now by paying online or email us to use another form of payment.

Use the letters and numbers below if you want to purchase a specific square on the map. 


Sold & Unsold Rink Square Map

Sold squares are highlighted in green. 103 Squares have been sold.

Thank you to the people and groups below for helping our kids reach their goal by buying one or more rink squares

Corey & Grayson Andel Eric Henrich Lynden Pyle
Brenda, Roger and Treyson Boesch Brian & Shannon Hoime Laura Reinsch
Brian, Jennifer, Caden & Chase Callahan Linda Hoppe Brian, Kristal & Quinn Reinwald
Ken Cauwels Hubers Family Jack Rice
Scott Cauwels Brad Hruby Marian Schneekloth
Marty & Heidi Condon Jones Family Eyecare Perry, KaraJo, Blake, Emma, Grace & Olivia Schneekloth
Jeannie Ericsson Craig, Jenna & Brecken Kasse Logan, Connor & Ellanor Seaver
Shawn Ericsson Asher, Aida & Hudson Keffeler Rhonda Seaver
Beau Fitz Kory & Jenilee Kludt Gavin & Isabella Stone
Forthman Family Heath & April Kooiman TJ Reinsch Youth Hockey Foundation
Ryan Gienapp Chris & Brandi Johnson Amy Tripp
Nick Gondaras Sam & Andrea Johnson Braeden Tripp
Ryan Grimmius Gabe & Kristi Laber Jay Tripp
Jon & Cindy Groen Chris & Brody Manitz Jennifer Vander Esch
Josh & Emily Groen Clark Meyer Ruth Wallig
Dan & Emily Guimont Loukas, Markos & Elias Michailidis Rick & Lisa Wolf
Nick & Jessica Gundermann Justin & Tricia Miller Family Brad & Gina Woodward
Evan Gunvaldson Max & Sophie Peters Jennifer Zell
Eric & Sue Harms Doug, Denise & Caleb Poncelet Zell Enterprises, Inc.
Heritage Lutheran & Spirit of Truth Churches, VBS 2019 Mitchell and Janelle Zerr